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Showing posts from November, 2017

Plattelandse vrede

A week in the Free State  Having planned this visit for the whole quarter, by the time Elbie and I hit the road for Vrede (her hometown) we were both excited and filled with anticipation for the following week that I would be visiting her. And by no means what so ever was I disappointed. I could write a book about my week in the Free State but for the sake of time and convenience, I'll share a few of the week's highlights. 1. SNOW!... in November So coming in right at the top of my list is seeing the snow. Not only were we able to see the snow but it was actually snowing! My hosts set the bar for the rest of the week pretty high when we ventured towards Clarens and Bethlehem on the second day of my visit to go find the snow (just take notice that it is November).   After driving the whole afternoon and seeing nothing but the cold yet beautiful towns that we drove through, we finally found the snow at the top of one of the mountains in the Golden Gate nature...