The cliche quote," Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but they are always there." pretty much sums up the relationship that I have with one of my best friends, my dearest Claire. Now originally Claire and I were sworn enemies and could barely stand the sight of each other. We fought with each other up to a day when we realised that we needed to fight for each other, and so the beginning of what I know will be a life-long friendship.
I can still so clearly remember the day I had to say good-bye to Claire when we moved to South Africa, both of us crying uncontrollably next to the road outside our apartment at the school and both refusing to let go of each other until we had no choice but to release one another... by far one of the toughest good-byes yet. But what I didn't completely grasp that day was the solid foundation that our friendship had and that that would carry us through the challenge of distance that we still face today.
One of the best feelings is getting a message out of the blue from her asking how I'm doing or just that she's thinking of me, because I know its genuine. We don't talk constantly or even regularly but when we do, we pick up right where we left off and the love and care for each other never departs our hearts. I know that Claire is the one person that I can turn to, can be truly honest with and more than that that she will be honest with me. Its not often in life that one finds that kind of friendship.
Being tagged in memes on Facebook or videos on Instagram that depict me or anything to do with me show me just how well she really knows me, even though we are a thousand kilometres apart. Claire knows the core of me, the things that are unwavering and I'd like to say that I know those things about her too. Heading up to surprise her in 2015 was one of the greatest adventures and one I'd like to repeat as soon as possible, our time together is few and far between but that makes it even more precious.
Claire, you are among the few people who have stuck by me through it all. Without ever doubting in me, you have offered your support and love. I am sitting here with a grin on my face because I am realising once again that you are a person that I'd go to battle with any day, as long as its your side I'm on. I'm privileged to say that I have a friend, a sister in you and more than privileged I remain grateful.
So this is for my friend who may be far in kilometres but always close in heart (I started with a cliche so I had to end with one).
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