With mothers day just around the corner, I thought it not only appropriate but necessary to pay tribute to the ten women who have had the most influence in my life thus far. They have all moulded me into the woman I am today, and wouldn't have reached half of the success without them.
1. Mother dear
Of course I have to start with the woman that has played the greatest part in my life, Mamma. She not only raised me, but did so with the greatest love and sacrifice that was humanly possible. She lived apart from my dad for six years for the sake of her children and for that I will never be able to find enough words to convey my gratitude. I know that she is never more than a phone call away and a voice note from her every morning is a great way to wake up. She is appreciated and loved, I don't think she grasps just quite how much.
2. Ouma Valda
My Ouma Valda is by far one of the strongest yet gentle women that I know. Her life is the definition of heavenly love. She has endured far more than she ever deserved to and put up with far more than she should have, through it all she remains a strong woman of unwavering faith. Ouma Valda has not only survived breast cancer but has supported her husband through his colon cancer. She raised four children of which three were boys, taking each one's heart into her own care. She is a woman of note, and if I could be half the woman she is I would be satisfied.
3. Ouma Rachel
The mother of my mother and a complete carer. She had a heart of gold that at times wore her down with worry. She was a baker of note (those genes however did not make it very far) and always had a little extra to give. Her life was far too short but in that time she made a greater impact than any of us truly realised. To this day we sit around the dinner table and laugh about all her stories. Perhaps that is the way she lives on within our hearts.
4. Tannie Miem - the holder of infinte knowledge
If there is a problem that requires a solution she is your gal ! I honestly do not know how she does it but she never runs out of ideas or inspiration. She has also endured far more than she should have but through it all she still has the heart of a lioness, forever caring for those dearest to her. Her opinion is one that I highly regard and her advice is something I take to heart.She has played a pivotal role in my life and she does not receive enough recognition for the amazing woman that she is. "Yster vrou - dankie Tannie Miem".
5. Mrs Dolphine - English extraodinaire
My O'level English teacher who lighted spark within me for writing and language in general. If it wasn't for this lady I don't think that I would have discovered my passion and love for writing and for that I will be forever in her debt. She was willing to take the time to lead me in English and without the strong foundation of the language that she gave me I highly doubt I would be writing this blog or have the dream of becoming a journalist.
6. Heather Botha- Horse Whisperer
Heather and her husband moved into one of the houses on our farm as young newly weds. She was a role model and one of the best teachers I have ever had. Patience was her saving grace when it came to teaching me how to ride a horse. There were many tears and scraped knees and foreheads but through it she gave me the greatest gift of perseverance and I can to this day say that riding is one of my great loves. Although far from each other now, Heather will always remain an influential woman in my life.
7. Tannie Rentia
Tannie Rentia not only raised one of my very best friends (Danya that's you) but has been one of the women who has had the most influence on my spiritual life. She has a plethora of wisdom and insight and is always willing to shed a little light a difficult situation. I always know that when I get out of Tannie Rent's car I am a whole lot wiser than I was when I got in. Her prayers move mountains, and her faith is a force to be reckoned with. Her house and heart have always been open to me and for that I am greatly thankful.
8.Tannie Eldi
Tannie Eldi is the woman who has been in my life for the shortest span of time but who has had an impact on my life that some people haven't made in ten years. From the moment I met her she accepted me as one of her own and always makes me feel as though I am the most deserving individual. She cares and loves with abundance and encourages with fervour. She is my mom's life line and I honestly don't know what we would do without her.
9. Tannie Mandy
Not only Tannie Mandy, but her whole family too, played a pivotal role in my childhood. We spent plenty of nights at their house and every time I eat mince on toast I think of her (thank you for the introduction Tannie Mandy). She offered unconditional support and love in our toughest times and was always a pillar of strength. Prison Break and Survivor would never have been the same without them.
10. Anneline
Anneline has always been the "cool" tannie in the family, but there is never enough recognition given to her generosity and kind heart. She is always willing to help out where ever she can and her home is ours. She is a woman of stellar faith, who has achieved great success. I admire her strength, tenacity and will for life. She is indeed a tonic, always willing to motivate. She has taught me to not stand back but to take the chance and fight for what is mine. Her gentle heart and passionate soul is greatly appreciated.
These women are worthy of much more praise than I will ever be able to give them, but I hope that my heart's complete appreciation is carried over.
After women, flowers are the most lovely thing God has given the world.
-Christian Dior
1. Mother dear
Of course I have to start with the woman that has played the greatest part in my life, Mamma. She not only raised me, but did so with the greatest love and sacrifice that was humanly possible. She lived apart from my dad for six years for the sake of her children and for that I will never be able to find enough words to convey my gratitude. I know that she is never more than a phone call away and a voice note from her every morning is a great way to wake up. She is appreciated and loved, I don't think she grasps just quite how much.
2. Ouma Valda
My Ouma Valda is by far one of the strongest yet gentle women that I know. Her life is the definition of heavenly love. She has endured far more than she ever deserved to and put up with far more than she should have, through it all she remains a strong woman of unwavering faith. Ouma Valda has not only survived breast cancer but has supported her husband through his colon cancer. She raised four children of which three were boys, taking each one's heart into her own care. She is a woman of note, and if I could be half the woman she is I would be satisfied.
3. Ouma Rachel
The mother of my mother and a complete carer. She had a heart of gold that at times wore her down with worry. She was a baker of note (those genes however did not make it very far) and always had a little extra to give. Her life was far too short but in that time she made a greater impact than any of us truly realised. To this day we sit around the dinner table and laugh about all her stories. Perhaps that is the way she lives on within our hearts.
4. Tannie Miem - the holder of infinte knowledge

5. Mrs Dolphine - English extraodinaire
My O'level English teacher who lighted spark within me for writing and language in general. If it wasn't for this lady I don't think that I would have discovered my passion and love for writing and for that I will be forever in her debt. She was willing to take the time to lead me in English and without the strong foundation of the language that she gave me I highly doubt I would be writing this blog or have the dream of becoming a journalist.
6. Heather Botha- Horse Whisperer
Heather and her husband moved into one of the houses on our farm as young newly weds. She was a role model and one of the best teachers I have ever had. Patience was her saving grace when it came to teaching me how to ride a horse. There were many tears and scraped knees and foreheads but through it she gave me the greatest gift of perseverance and I can to this day say that riding is one of my great loves. Although far from each other now, Heather will always remain an influential woman in my life.
7. Tannie Rentia
Tannie Rentia not only raised one of my very best friends (Danya that's you) but has been one of the women who has had the most influence on my spiritual life. She has a plethora of wisdom and insight and is always willing to shed a little light a difficult situation. I always know that when I get out of Tannie Rent's car I am a whole lot wiser than I was when I got in. Her prayers move mountains, and her faith is a force to be reckoned with. Her house and heart have always been open to me and for that I am greatly thankful.
8.Tannie Eldi
Tannie Eldi is the woman who has been in my life for the shortest span of time but who has had an impact on my life that some people haven't made in ten years. From the moment I met her she accepted me as one of her own and always makes me feel as though I am the most deserving individual. She cares and loves with abundance and encourages with fervour. She is my mom's life line and I honestly don't know what we would do without her.
9. Tannie Mandy
Not only Tannie Mandy, but her whole family too, played a pivotal role in my childhood. We spent plenty of nights at their house and every time I eat mince on toast I think of her (thank you for the introduction Tannie Mandy). She offered unconditional support and love in our toughest times and was always a pillar of strength. Prison Break and Survivor would never have been the same without them.
10. Anneline

These women are worthy of much more praise than I will ever be able to give them, but I hope that my heart's complete appreciation is carried over.
After women, flowers are the most lovely thing God has given the world.
-Christian Dior
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