R E L E A S E: allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free.
Where does my hair fit into all this? It was my symbolic way of releasing and here is what I let go of along with that 25 centimetres.

As a flawed human being, I have found that I had a need for finding acceptance and confirmation from the world. This "acceptance" I quickly learnt was incomplete and unsatisfactory, it never quenched my thirst for belonging. It still left a gaping hole. And enter grace...
Abba Father's heart is one that longs after me finding myself within Him, and His acceptance being enough. I soon discovered that this type of belonging is whole and more importantly it is backed by the greatest love upon the face of the Earth.
Well, what better way to release this yearning for worldly acceptance than chopping off my hair. It forced me to depend only on the image that Jesus has of me and nothing else, an image of my heart.
On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.
1 Thessalonians 2:4
He heals the wounds of every shattered heart.
Psalm 147:3
The peace that resides in my heart as I sit here with my short hair is something that I struggle to put into words, and I can only pray that it lasts a lifetime.
This journey I have been one could, however not have been possible without the Lord using people to lead me, guide me or ignite a fire in me, so to all who have supported and carried me and listened I say thank you.
Every time I look in the mirror now I am reminded of this grace ... and that's why I cut my hair.
Cutting my hair was not an impulsive decision. It was not an attempt at feeling better about life or boosting my self-esteem... quite the opposite. The last few days Abba Father has revealed His heart and intention to me in such a way that I could not simply ignore it, I couldn't look the other way. I had to pay attention and hear Him and what a journey it has been.
Where does my hair fit into all this? It was my symbolic way of releasing and here is what I let go of along with that 25 centimetres.

1. Yearning for worldly acceptance

Abba Father's heart is one that longs after me finding myself within Him, and His acceptance being enough. I soon discovered that this type of belonging is whole and more importantly it is backed by the greatest love upon the face of the Earth.
Well, what better way to release this yearning for worldly acceptance than chopping off my hair. It forced me to depend only on the image that Jesus has of me and nothing else, an image of my heart.
On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.
1 Thessalonians 2:4
2. Hurt
This is something that is not in short in my life, and I selfishly clung to it. I allowed myself to think I could deal with it as something apart from my relationship with the Lord instead of giving it over to Him. I realise that just because I have my released my hurt into the hands of Yeshua that it is going to stop, but I am now comforted in knowing that it is no longer a burden that I have to carry alone. He is holding my hand and guiding me through every ally of this journey. I can rest assured knowing that He will bring out whole again on the other side and I carry a much lighter load now.
Psalm 147:3
3. Ouma and Oupa - More than conquers
I am lucky enough to have two grandparents who have both recently overcome cancer. That was inspiration enough for me to make a difference for those fighting the good fight. I am, therefore, donating my hair to Kansa to be used for wigs for those who are battling cancer.The peace that resides in my heart as I sit here with my short hair is something that I struggle to put into words, and I can only pray that it lasts a lifetime.
This journey I have been one could, however not have been possible without the Lord using people to lead me, guide me or ignite a fire in me, so to all who have supported and carried me and listened I say thank you.
Every time I look in the mirror now I am reminded of this grace ... and that's why I cut my hair.

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