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Paw prints upon my heart

Fudge guarding the pool.

Growing up, I was always blessed with the privilege of having dogs running around the yard. From a young age, we were taught to care for the dogs and yet to discipline them too (just like kids). These four-legged furry friends have made a tremendous impact on my life (they frequently decorate my social media), so as a tribute to all the dogs who left their paw prints on my heart I have compiled a list of the dogs that stole a piece of my heart and will always be a part of our family.

1. Nugget - The big friendly giant 

There is a reason why Great Danes have the word "great" in their title. Nugget was named after the black shoe polish because he was pitch black with a white stretch on his chest. He was giant in heart and stature, instilling fear in every soul that crossed our threshold, only up to the point that they realized he would lick you to death before doing any damage.
He sounded like a horse when he galloped around the yard and ate us out of the house, despite remaining as skinny as a street dog.
Nugget was our big friendly giant that stole whole roast chickens off the table and cleaned the Malva pudding dish out when no one was looking. He left a very large paw print on my heart.

2. Milly and Simbi - 

These two were always a combo package, and when we moved they went to a lovely home together. Simbi had a way to wiggle his bum when he was called or given attention, my dad claiming he had a broken chasey. A stout little Jack Russel that never actually had a worry in the world but was always game for an adventure.
Simbi- what a cutie 
Milly, on the other hand, was "Ou Vrou". She viewed herself higher than the rest of the population and refused to move unless on her own accord. She was the first Jack Russel we had and all of the others were somehow related to her. Her nails grew so long because she refused to exercise, just sitting on her throne looking at the peasants as they moved past. She also looked as if she swallowed a rugby ball due to the lack of movement. Not your typical Jack Russel, but she definitely had a personality of her own!

3. Lucy 

Lulu was the essence of a lady. A cross-breed of chiwawa and Jack Russel, Lucy had a never-say-die attitude, literally. She was run over by my dad's pickup a few times, landed herself in a catfight a couple of times and after a good thirteen years still refused to die. She would go lie in the sun and we would think this is it and the next moment up she jumped barking like a young pup. With no teeth left and her body giving in, we decided to send her to doggy heaven and spare her having to make that decision herself.

4. Diesel and Levi - Brothers in good denim 
Diesel as majestic as ever 
These are our current members of the house in the pet section (even though my mom will strongly deny that they are dogs). Diesel is definitely not straight, he is soft and sits when he pees but his gentle nature makes us love him even more. He only has eyes for my mom and has selective hearing. None the less he has a special place in our home and acts far too human for us to treat him as anything less.

Life of Levi 
Levi was supposed to be a Yorkie. He is not, to say the least! But we wouldn't exchange him for the world. He is wild and adventurous but loves to cuddle when he is in the mood. He barks when he is trying to tell you something and will jump up and down in front of you to get your attention. A proper kid!

5. Fudge- ons hart se punt
I left the dog that has left the deepest paw print on my heart for last. This dog had the intelligence some humans long for and the heart of a lion. His life was cut far too short by something he had no control over.

Fudge was the cutest Jack Russel with large upright ears. His ears could tell you exactly how he felt and were frequently played as a guilt card. He was the one part of Zimbabwe that we could bring with us to South Africa, he knew us better than anyone. It felt as though he was looking into your soul when he looked at you.
He was infamous at school and everyone's favorite. Fudge was the swimming team mascot. He LOVED walks and could run around the field until he had us dizzy, and fast too. Fudge had a way of telling you when it was enough and he wanted to go home.
Fudge was tough, surviving a nasty snake bite and a whole lot more. It was six years too short, and I still miss him.

Fudgie- ons hart se punt 

Dogs have been such a large part of my life and I hope that they always will be. I treasure and hold each of these dogs very near to my heart. It's a privilege to have had them in our home and I look forward to all the furry friends yet to come.


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