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Godly women: This is how they impact my life

Carla: sister/shmodel 

God, who knows the heart. 
Acts 15:8 

As humans,  we were made to not only coexist on this Earth but to do life with each other, support, help and be supported and helped. This is even more true for us women. Who better to understand you than one that sees you out of an empathetic point of view? Because they get it - they have been there too. Nobody gets a woman better than a woman. But how much stronger wouldn't the comprehension and even the support be if we put God right in the middle of it? He gets us better than anyone else, He made us after all.

Recently, I have truly discovered the value and power of having Godly women who journey with me through life. It hasn't even been in the grand or horrid times that I have really recognized their influence (although it has been present in these times too), but rather in the really mellow and completely normal moments of life when you have the need to just tell a silly something or even laugh over a stupid something.

The fact that Abba is right in the middle of everything we say or do, makes even the simple moments the grandest of them all. Simply because He is there, it makes our friendships a safe space. I know I can ask for advice and laugh and cry because they are looking at me out of love's point of view, and that love is a heavenly one which allows me to be exactly who I am meant to be.

At times this love checks me. "That's not the nicest word to use" or "Don't act out of fear, trust Him. He's got you." And it's these acts of true friendship which push me out of my comfort zones that enables me to grow and be a little closer to the version of myself that God intended in the first place.
It's not done out of a place of judgment, because I know that their hearts are with God and His is with mine.  They make allowance for my faults and allow me the space to feel what I need to feel, whilst pushing me closer to Christ in prayer and word all the way.

Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. 
Col 3:13

And most important of all, I can stretch out and place my hand in their's and we can pray. We can go to the Father's feet together and put our dreams, fears and hurt in His hands. I have been carried to the throne in prayers when I was too weak to lay myself down there too many times to count, and it's those prayers that not only got me through it all but showed me exactly who is willing to fight for me in the spirit when I can't fight for myself. I truly believe that the Lord uses those around you to comfort and carry you through those times when you need it most.

In this all, I want to say that I have the honour of being surrounded by a group of God-fearing women who I am blessed enough to call friends. It didn't come without trial or prayer but plenty of both, but I can see why I had to wait. God has given me the people that I needed most when I needed them the most and there are way too many to name them all (that is how blessed I am).

Every woman deserves to be surrounded by those who love her out of a holy place. Pray for them and do not settle for anything less! But remember that what you sow you will reap, so sow in friendliness and you will reap friends.

Special shout out to all the special ladies that Abba Father has placed in my life! Alet, Stefanie, Danya, Carla, Elbie, Carlie, Carina, Pam, Ingrid-Louise, Mamma as well, the list goes on! Thank you x


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